
Monday, July 18, 2011

Swim with Stacey Tobey

When I drove up to the GSL Marina this morning, Josh and I met Stacey Tobey, and Kristen.  Stacey told me she did the EC Relay and we talked a bunch about her experience. That got me excited for next year.  We swam side by side the whole way.  It felt great to go at faster pace than I normally do.  I was going about 90%. 100% being a full blown sprint.  So I was pushing it just to keep up with her.   It reminded me of Marcia Cleveland's T-shirt she wore at the Open Water Safety Conference in San Francisco earlier this year.  It read "I swim like a girl.  Try to keep up."

I looked back at Stacey's time at Deer Creek from 2010.  Holy crap, she beat Will Reeves?  She had to have been holding back this morning so we could swim side by side.  We arrived at Black Rock and we talked while waiting for Josh and Kristen.  She knew my swim coach from high school, Robynn Masters.  She reminded me of Robynn with how fast she was.

We swam back to the buoy and talked for a good 10 minutes and then I continued on to the red buoy northeast of the Marina, and then swam back and got out at the path leading down to the beach opposite of boat ramp.  I forgot to apply lube to my shoulders so I was pretty raw when I got out.  Lots of cow stares at the lookout point.  Unnerving having that many eyes on you.

Total distance 3.27 miles

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