That was a big mistake. It did not warm up, it got worse. Way worse. The clouds came and the wind! The wind was insane! So to make it simple, I did NOT get my swim in Ken's Lake like I wanted. In fact I came home a day early with the kids, which wasn't all bad, because I got up early this morning and did a long swim at SDRC:
2000 free
2000 tempo trainer at :98
2000 - 10 x 200's kick (8 with fins, 2 without)
2000 pull
2000 free
2000 tempo trainer at :98
2000 pull
2000 - 200 of each stroke + 200 IM, 10 x 100's free/IM on 1:45
18,000 yards total (10 miles)
I had some minor issues with my lower back from all the flipturns, but the last set of IM work really resolved that and the pain was gone by the time I finished. Felt great! I was considering going 2000 more for an even 20K, but thought I really should get home and spend some quality time with the fam! Cathi is still in Moab doing the marathon and the kids I'm sure are hating the snow and feeling prisoned inside the house, so I think I'm gonna take them rollerskating, or bowling.
Oh yeah, I got this really cool looking Boston Light Salt Shaker in the mail from Greg O'Conner. What a nice group of swimmers! I never imagined that I'd get to start a salt shaker collection, and I'm very grateful to all those who sent these in! It really makes my day.
Bummer about Ken's Lake, I was looking forward to hearing about it.
ReplyDeleteI wish my swim this morning was that long!
You've got quite a collection of salt shakers now!