
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Mentally with it

Last night I stayed up too late (10:30pm) watching a DVR copy of Biggest Loser with Cathi.  There are only two shows I watch: Survivor and Biggest Loser.  I was worried when I finally turned off the light to sleep that I would be too tired, come alarm time at 4am, but I woke up alertly without snoozing.  This morning's swim went really well and I didn't feel tired, or like giving.  Just really strong mentally.

Because of that I was in the pool promptly at 5:05am:

3000 free straight
300 easy

Then joined Masters:

450 - 150 swim, 150 kick, 150 pull no paddles
400 - 4 x 100's kick with fins (alternate board, no board)
800 free strong (80% effort)
:30 rest
600 free strong
:30 rest
400 free strong
:30 rest
200 free strong
I went last on all these and I got lapped on the 800 and 600.  I'm thinking the other guys in my lane were going a little more than 80%.  But I definitely was.  In fact I was probably going higher than that in order to no get lapped twice.  I was still going faster than the next lane down, so I wasn't like a slacker or anything.  
150 easy
500 - 20 x 25's IM order on :30

Then the workout was over, but I stayed and did it all again:

450 - 150 swim, 150 kick, 150 pull no paddles
400 - 4 x 100's kick with fins (alternate board, no board)
800 free pull
:30 rest
600 free pull
:30 rest
400 free no equipment
:30 rest
200 free no equipment
150 easy
500 - 20 x 25's IM order on :30 (banked :30 by the end)

2000 free
100 grandpa swimming

12,400 yards total

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