
Monday, March 21, 2011

Cold water training

One of the biggest comments that hit me like a brick this last weekend was the need to constantly do cold water training if that's what your event will involve.  The hands down biggest worry for me in the GSL swim is the cold water.  In fact this week in Open Water Source's interview with Tammy van Wisse, she made a comment about cold water that just reinforced the need for me to put more than just one day a week in cold water.  Here's a very short clip of her comment:

A plug for Open Water Source:  This is a short sound clip taken from over an hour of interview on  Become a premium member to hear the whole thing.  Premium Member get extended benefits including access to weekly interviews with the world's best!  Click here to join OWS and become a premium member.

So with that said, I am planning to swim not only every Thursday at BL at this point, but every Monday evening as well.  It's on the way home and I won't be doing distance at this point, just half a mile every time.  If I can I'd like to do a third day in the week.  Maybe it'll be a floating day, where I can do it any day.  But for sure every Monday and Thursday for sure.

Hopefully in a few weeks I'll be able to extend that time in the water.  I only have 69 days until my big swim begins!


  1. how did you make that recording?

  2. Just took a short sound clip from That is a fantastic resource and I highly suggest becoming a premium member to get access to all the interviews.

  3. I actually am a premium member of Open Water Source, and listened to the Van Wisse interview in its entirety. I was wondering what software you used to make the sound clip from the streaming video.

  4. Sorry, its freeware called Audacity. I use it all the time, its awesome.

  5. Audacity can record whatever sound is currently playing and then export it to an mp3 file.

  6. Excellent! I've been looking for something like that. Thanks.
