This morning I met Lynn de Freitas, the Executive Director of Friends of Great Salt Lake. I also met with KUED Producers Nancy Green and Natalie Avery. We met at the Oasis Cafe for breakfast to talk about the GSL length swim for any potential in doing a documentary. I was surprised at how much money is needed to really put something together. Wow! I would need Cathi to help me by focusing on fund raising and let me do my training. Anyhow I enjoyed meeting with them and am eager to do my part in drawing more attention to the lake. It really is something that doesn't get enough attention given it's vastness and beauty which most people fail to recognize.
Todays workout began at 2:30pm since SDRC was closed to the public this morning due to another high school regional swim meet. I carbed up like crazy the last couple days knowing I'd be doing a long one today:
20,000 - 10 x 2000 yards odd sets free, even pull on 30:00
1000 - 2 x 500 kick with fins
400 IM easy
21,400 yards total in 5:15
Had some minor aches in the shoulders, but nothing major. I could tell at 18K yards that I wasn't getting enough water as I felt my hands were getting all shriveled. I forgot to stop and get a Gatorade on the way in and my water at that point was warm and gross so I didn't get hydrated as much as I should have. But I swam strong and I really enjoyed the pulling.
I really bruised up my right arch in my foot. Three different times when I did a flip turn I pushed off the wall and my foot slid up the wall and pushed against the edge of the gutter which really hurt the arch of my foot each time that happened. I need to push off the wall a little deeper to prevent that kind of crap from happening.
But today's workout went well. I had originally planned on 20K, but put in a little extra to round up the yardage to a whole mile amount - 12 miles exactly.
I'm happy to help any way I can with your swim. I would be happy to paddle, help raise money, take pictures, or whatever.