This morning I got in the pool at 6:20am and there was NOBODY else in the water. That was a first for me. I've never been at SDRC with nobody else in there. Strange.
I did 3 x 1000's free on 15:00.
Then helped get lanes in for masters and then swam the following with them:
200 easy
1000 - 10 x 100's free on 1:30 (was holding 1:10)
900 - 9 x 100's back on 1:45 (was holding 1:30)
800 - 8 x 100 IM's on 1:45 (was holding 1:23)
700 - 7 x 100's pull fast on 1:20 (Was holding 1:08)
6600 yards total
I had to get out at this point cause I had to guard from 9-noon today. Not the longest workout, but I was pushing it with the Masters and I felt great the whole time.
how do manage to fit in those swims when you have 7 kids :-)
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