
Friday, December 17, 2010

Rush it

Got to the pool a little late so I felt a little rushed.  I had a shift to start at 7 so I had to hurry to get in a decent workout:

600 yards free
600 - 6 x 100's kick with fins
600 - 6 x 100's free on 1:30
200 pull

Started Masters workout:

400 free easy
600 - 12 x 50's kick
600 - 12 x 50's free, first 4 on :60, second 4 on :50, last 4 on :40.
200 - 50 fly, 150 back
200 - 50 fly, 150 breast

4000 yards total

Craig Barnes was in the next lane over and man that guy has a serious underwater streamline/kick.  He goes about 5 feet further than I do underwater.  Love it when I get pushed.

Then while I was lifeguarding there was a young guy who was doing fly 50s on :40 over and over, then 50 backs on :40 over and over.  I was dumbfounded.  Looking forward to a 4 hour swim tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Gord,

    I'm just lazy. I figure if I swim 5-10 yards less per length on a 500 I will be a lot better off. I've always had a fast kick so good streamline followed by a couple of hard kicks really helps. I was really short in high school so I had to develop the streamline just to keep up, but I ended up actually gaining on turns as I kept getting better at them. Short Course is as much about turns as it is about swimming, especially in distance events.

