Yesterday I lifted at lunch which seemed to really help, but again this morning after getting out of bed, the lower back pain is back. This morning's swim at SDRC was cut in half as a result, but at least it was longer than yesterday's workout:
1000 Free warmup
1200 - 8 x {75 free on 1:15 breaths on 5th stroke, 50 free on :50 breath on 7, 25 free on :30 no breath)
1200 - 6 x 200's pull on 3:00
500 - 5 x 100's free on 1:30
100 kick
4000 yards total
Speaking from personal experience, stop the flip turns for now. I have a pretty serious back injury and that amount of flexion in my low back, combined with the twisting and pushing off is absolute death for low back pain. Ice it and stretch. Also Advil (my best friend). Sorry your injured it. Here's hoping it's short lived.