
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

4 tired laps around BL

Met with Josh a little after 0630 this morning and we did two laps together. He had to go to work and I did two more. 4 laps total in 1:59 total time.

I wasn't feeling very energetic and had some "tired" issues with my shoulder and lower back. Not really a pain, just NOT a strong feeling. I spent a majority of my time pondering the Bountiful Lake Project which will be reviewed by the Eagle Board tonight with Austin. He and I spent some time last night putting together his project proposal document and I expect it to go smoothly.

I was interviewed yesterday by Scott Schulte a writer for the Davis County Clipper who is going to put together a story for advertising the project. Once the board approves it then we can really turn on the jets and get this thing going. Should be well attended if we can get the word out like we plan.

On my fourth lap when I was on the northwest corner, I saw a water bottle floating out in the middle away from shore. I swam up to it and decided it was clean enough to tote to the finish. Some plastic bottles that I see are covered in algae and nasty, but this one didn't have any of that so I just stuck it in the back of my trunks and swam the 3/4 mile with it in there and after a couple minutes didn't even notice it was there. Did just a small amount of garbage collection when I was done.

Oh yeah, yesterday when I pulled up to the boat ramp and was preparing to start, I saw a big white and brown rat run across the ramp into the bushes. If Cathi were with me she would vow never to get in the water again. She is terrified of rats.

In fact last weekend when we were on our vacation, we stopped at Mile 16 of the Mesa Falls Marathon the day before to check out the route. All the kids got in the river which was only 2 feet deep and waded in there skipping rocks and splashing. On the way out I noticed a clump of fur by a log which was lodged in some rocks. I took a closer look. Sure enough it was a dead rat. I yelled out to Cathi who was perched on a big rock with our dog Max, "Cathi a dead rat!". She said, "No way! Uh-uh!" (I'm always teasing her trying to scare her with false alarms) I reached under and grabbed the dead rat's tail and held it up out of the water. She shrieked and jumped off that rock onto the shore. I love that woman and her femininity! She's so cute.

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