
Thursday, August 12, 2010

Nice and easy 2 laps in BL

Got up this morning and did two laps at Bountiful Lake (just over 2 miles) in 56 minutes.  I stayed loose and didn't really push it.  I'm a little sore from last night's table tennis tournament in Riverdale where I tied for first place among the 18 participants.  Not terribly sore, just a little stiff and the swim felt great as it loosened up those muscles in my mid back.

The water surprisingly isn't warming up as hot as I would expect.  The air temp in the afternoon is in the mid to high 90's, but the water seems to be staying in the 70s.  Very nice.   Now I'll do my shavedown tomorrow and carb up a bit for Saturday.  Cross your fingers for clear skies and no wind.  Should be a great swim!

I stopped by and picked up a Deseret News to read Jared's article on open water swimming which he interviewed me about on Monday.  He did a good job with it despite my stammering and haphazard thought processes.  The article included lots of good pictures.  Hopefully more pool swimmers take the plunge into bigger waters and free themselves of the confines of the lane lines and sidewalls.

My goal for Saturday's swim is to get the 10 miles in under 5 hours.  I really want to at least get just under that 2 mph average.  That should definitely be obtainable as long as I keep my feedings limited to 30 seconds every 45 minutes.  Austin has agreed to be my paddler and I'll have to review the feeding procedures with him as well as the importance of staying right at my 10 and 2.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome article! I am going to pick up a printed copy this afternoon. From your quotes in the article it doesn't sound like you were stammering.
