
Friday, July 9, 2010

Snake River trip

So on Friday afternoon I went down the Snake River for an hour and a half with part of our Varsity squad.  I was assigned to be in the front with Matt Yeates.  Austin was in my row, but in the back next to guide.  We hit several category 3 rapids.  The sun was out until we got in and then it got cloudy and a little breezy.  I got in for a few minutes and the thermometer read 58 degrees.  It was pleasant.  Taylor  and Hunter got in with me for a bit, but nobody else.  It was pretty cold with the wind on top of the water from the rapids.   I was in for about five minutes is all.  We were coming up to some rapids and I had to get back in the boat.   It was alot of fun and our guide Tyler did a great job.

Yesterday we floated down the Portneif River in Lava as well.  That was alot of fun and we could go down in individual, double or four man tubes.  I went down individually first.  That was fun, but then I went down a few more times with Austin.  That was better cause I was able to sit in back and steer a little bit with the kayak paddle I brought.  We hit a couple of small water falls that were great!

We had a fantastic time, but I was only able to swim for about 20 minutes in the pond at the Lava property that Felter had us swim in.  The water was 71 degrees and I got a couple of tiny leeches on me which I discovered on the way home.   I felt some movement on my legs and looked down and saw about 5 "maggots" climbing up my leg and when I pulled them off, they grasped onto my skin. Kind of eerie, but again, they were really small and looked like maggots.

I'm excited to get some swimming in as I ate a ton at camp and didn't get in any decent swimming although we did have several good games of cops and fugitives late at night, a marshmallow dart war, and over 3 hours of serious manual labor collecting dead wood from Felter's land.  So I did burn some calories, but unfortunately, not very much swimming.

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