So with this new information. I'm going to go with my original plans of swimming the length on July 3rd. That's 19 miles. I'm very excited! Last Saturday's swim was 9 miles. I realize that's only half of next week's swim, but as long as the wind is in my favor, I keep my body core warm with hot chocolate and strong swimming, and the shoulders and back hold up, I can do it! Giving up is not an option! I have alot of last minute preparations to do. Some of which are:
- Get a backup battery for the supply boat motor
- Call Bryce at the Cisco Marina in Garden City
- Email John Quackenbush about tips/preparations
- Ensure that Jacob and Cathi are comfortable with the GPS navigation unit
I'll be swimming tomorrow at Layton Surf N' Swim. Wednesday morning out at BL with Josh, and then taking off work on Friday so we can head up to the cabin and begin the "psyche up period" the evening before the big swim. I'm so excited and know this is going to be tough, but doable!
Dude! Awesome!
ReplyDeleteWhat time are you going to start on the 3rd? I have an appraisal due on the 2nd so I can't take Friday off, but I would still like to try to make it if I can (and if there is room for me on the boat).
I'm thinking about swimming early on Wednesday morning around 6:00 or 6:30 so that I can get in 3-4 laps before I have to be to work.