
Friday, January 15, 2010


300 - 100 free, 100 back, 100 choice
3600 - 6x600 on 9:00 (got @8:30 on each)
300 - 100 free, 100 back, 100 choice

4200 yards total

Felt lazy mentally on the 4th set of 600's but I sharpened up and got back into the groove. Good workout.

Since I have Monday off work, I'm going to swim 12K in the morning.

My feelings about 2010 are very mixed. While I'm excited about doing the half ironman in June. I'm eager for it to just be over because I'm ready to fully dedicate myself to swimming. I've really enjoyed the winter so far with all the swimming. I'm worried that in a couple months when I start biking more and running that I'll have to swim less. So because of that concern, I'm looking forward to June to come and go. After that I don't have any triathlons prepared, just open water and masters swimming plans. I think I'll keep it that way. I'm really looking forward to this summer where I plan to swim a double crossing of the width of Bear Lake (around 14 miles).


  1. dude - very cool. look forward to following your training. hard core stuff.

  2. Awesome! When are you going to do your double crossing of the width of Bear Lake? I am planning on doing one of the triathlons up there and staying a few extra days so that I can do a single crossing of the width. A crossing of the length is still something I am planning on, but it probably won't be for a year or two.

  3. Have you decided what course you are going to swim at Bear Lake? It looks like it's the widest right at the state border, but I don't think there is a marina nearby.
