
Monday, November 2, 2009


Shaved my head last Thursday night because of my planned halloween costume. So today's swim felt nice with the water going around my head so smoothly. I don't like wearing a cap (cause I get too hot with it on). Skipped last Thursday's swim so that I could work on the Chicken nesting box. I kept putting that off and the poor chickens were exposed to near freezing temperatures. So I had to sacrifice only one day of swimming to build it. Not bad I guess.

800 - 4 x 200 k-d-p-s
250 - 5x50 1-3 and hold (aka 3-4 are fast.) :40
1650 - 1x1650. Go strong, but focus on pace. Keeps abs firm. Time = 23:03
When I got to about 1200, the alternating breathing just wasn't cutting it and I was getting fatigued. I felt like I needed more air. So I ended up breathing every stroke, but alternated which side to breath on each each 25 on the last 450 yards. I felt good. I wasn't slacking, or pushing it too hard. It was a strong effort and I was satisfied with the time. Not overly pleased, but satisfied. I got 23:25 two years ago at the Utah Summer Games, and low 22 last year, so I'm confident that in a race I should get pretty close to that or better.

500 - 10x50 odds 6-3-6 evens 8-1-8 on 1:00
400 - 16x25 2 fast :25, 2 easy :30
400 k-d-p-s by 100. Backstroke

TOTAL 4000

I've got to be better about reading the workout closely. I accidentally skipped the 10x50's after the 1650 and the warmdown I did free. So I really only did 3500 today. Need to get at least 3 more workouts in this week. No more doing just 2-3 workouts per week! SDRC meet in two weeks.

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