
Monday, August 18, 2008

Putting more time in the pool

Swimming 2-3 times a week is weak. So I'm gonna try and hit 4-5 times a week, starting today:

1000 - Free Warmup - I should have timed this cause I went fast and felt strong.
1000 - 5 x 100 IM's on 2:30, 5 x 100's free descending on 2:00 (1:20, 1:17, 1:15, 1:12, 1:05)
200 Breast
1000 - 5 x 200's free pulling on 3:00 (all 2:20 - 2:30)
200 - 2 x 50's fly/free, 2 x 50's back/breast
200 Free fast

3600 Yards total - :55

I have a theory. I didn't cramp up at all today. My theory is that in a pool when you push off the wall it uses the muscles on the arch of your foot, as well as your calves. So that stretch/push helps to keep those muscles warm. When you're open water swimming you aren't pushing off any walls and those muscles go mainly unused and it puts a strain on them to be stretched out so long. Just an idea. So I think I need to do more open water swimming practice, not just pool swimming. Mainly for practice letting my calves and arches of my feet get used to swimming without getting that good power push every 25 yards.

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