
Tuesday, November 6, 2007

6 Nov 2007

600 - 500 free, 100 free

500 - 400 free, 100 free

400 - 300 free, 100 free

300 - 200 free, 100 free

200 - 100 free, 100 free

300 - Grandpa swimming with Cathi

2300 total

Very hectic evening. Got home just in time for Cathi's Music to my Ears group. Got a bowl of grape nuts real quick before rushing off to Austin's class field trip to the Apple Store in Salt Lake City. Each kid had a slightly different edited version of the same movie. With the content of each movie being the same it got really boring and I could see right through the salesmanship of many of the young and "hip" young salespeople, who danced to any type of music playing in the films. They must have taken hundreds of minutes of film coverage with each sales person (probably 4 of them) taken pictures and video constantly of us watching the repeating film.

Some of the kids did a dance which got me looking at the clock. I needed to be home in time to swim so when Mrs. Sorte wanted to take all the kids to Ben and Jerry's afterwards is when Austin and I bailed. The evening in my opinion was a waste of time and thought that the way the kids could have learned how to edit things could have been done better. Instead of having each kid edit the same film. Have the content be different too. At least so those watching all of them don't have to watch the same stuff over and over.

Crap! This is a swimming blog, not a rant blog. So I'll stop there. Night from hell! Made it in time to swim so that's good.

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