
Thursday, April 14, 1994

14 Apr 1994

1000 - 5 x 200's descending 1-5

100 - fly kick on back

100 - fly kick on front

200 - 2 x 100's fly

200 - free

200 - pull

200 - flutter kick

200 - touch and pull

100 - sprint (under :57!!!)

100 - fly kick on front

100 - fly kick on back

200 - ez

2700 total

I nearly gave up around 1200 mark, but kept going and it got a little better. I was really angry last night as I thought of the girls here at Ricks. I asked Elaine out again and she said she had something going. She was on the other line and I really think it was a guy that shw likes. I talked to Jaron and he broke it out to me that her heard she has a guy, but they aren't totally hitched. I think she is doing something with her boy friend. That is exactly what he is a boy. 80% of the guys here at Ricks are poofters and weak suckers.

Today at inservice we are having a pizza party. That should be fun anyway. I bought some cereal this morning because I hate breakfasts now because I have no fun cereals so I went crazy and bought two family size cereals. Corn Pops and Rice Crispy treats cereal. I hid them from Murray, but if he eats it, I'll go rip his ugly face off his weak body. I hate to sound like this, but I get very angry sometimes and I am still getting over last night.

800 - IM warmup

1000 - 5 x 200's free on 4:00 descending 1-5

750 - 10 x 75's lft arm, fly, rt arm on 1:45

500 - 5 x 25 fly on :30, 50 free on 1:30, 25 fly

100 - sprint (beat mornings 100 sprint)

200 - ez

3350 total

6050 daily total

Inservice was good. Brother Zirker announced the Head guards. We then had some pizza and I felt extremely weak. I only ate one piece. We then had the EMT guys show us how to do one man CPR and all that stuff. I get to go tomorrow at 7:00 to recertify and get my certificate.

I went home and took a nap. I was so very tired. I felt like I had mono. When I woke up I was revived. I don't know what happened.

This afternoon swim I went at 6:00 pm and then the new lifeguards were given a situation where another EMT guy went off the board and faked a good hitting on his head. The two new guards took there sweet time getting him on the board which is OK I guess. But we were in there for ages. I think the neck braces should be connected to the boards so you don't have to get out and search for them when he is planted on the board.

Jadie and I went to hang up the posters for the Swim club for next semester. I swam very strongly this afternoon and felt great about the effort I put in. I swim with one of the guards (I forgot his name) on Saturday at 2:00.

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