
Tuesday, March 29, 1994

29 Mar 1994

600 - swim

600 - 6 x 100's free on 1:45 all under 1:05

100 - ez

250 - 10 x 25's fly one breath on :45

250 - 10 x 25's no breath on 1:00

400 - 2 x 200's on 3:00 under 2:15

2200 total

I got a triathalon team going. The biker took first in the Beaver dick bike race last semester and the runner is on the cross country team. I got them from Tara at the pool. She is trying to do it all herself too. So this team here will take first no worries. I have set a goal time of 10:30 for 900 yards.

The 6 x 100's were good. I was nailing 1:01 on average. I should find out soon about the swim team. Tonight I may be going to the temple. So tonights workout will be smaller. Here it is:

29 March 1994

500 - swim

500 - 10 x 50's touch and pull on 1:00

250 - 10 x 25's stretch descending strokes every other 25 first one - 20

250 - 10 x 25's free w/no breath on :45

500 - 10 x 50's fly on 2:00 all under :34

400 - free warmdown

2900 total

5100 overall total

One of the guy swimmers is a new lifeguard and he worked today. It kind of made me mad because I see all these lifeguards who think they're bad because they're guards, when the patrons (such as myself) are in better shape than they are. I honestly am afraid that Zirker might not make me head guard next year. All I know is that I am going to get a 3.0 or higher to get out of fetchin probation and then get certified over the summer so he has no excuse. I won't work, unless I am head guard. Because it pays more, plus I don't want a weak sucker to be head guard.

I can't find a ride to the temple tonight. All the elders in this ward have priorities screwed up. I don't know anyone who wants to go out of their way to go to the temple. My only hope is that Bart comes home in the next few minutes and then we go. But I think he is getting his priorities screwed up like the rest of us.

Went to Craigo's to say good bye to Brandi. She is going back home because she is dropping out of school.

I paid $1.00 for one piece of pizza and was quite unsettled with that.

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