
Friday, August 9, 2024

First open water swim in a couple years

So I have been playing lots of pickleball the past few years. I sold my pool a few months ago. I applied to be a high school swim coach and thought I should get in swimming shape myself. 

 I rode my motorcycle there and had my orange tow float, but didn’t have a drink and about 20 minutes into the swim got really thirsty. With this being my first swim I figured if I just swam a mile that would be a good first start. Ended up with 1.25 miles in 50 minutes.

I took 4 short breaststroke “breaks” of around 30!seconds and then resumed front crawl stroke. 

I bilateral breathed which felt natural. The water was 79 degrees according to my watch thermometer.

I’m gonna be a little sore so I’ll try another swim after I get back from visiting Austin in Houston next week. So next swim will be in a couple weeks.