
Thursday, February 25, 2016

Battling Bronchitis

OK so I've had a cold for 3 weeks.  I no longer have a runny nose, but the cough is still persisting. I read this document and there are several things I need to do better:

  • Get more sleep
  • Drink more water
  • Lay off the Dayquil/Nyquil
One of the points was to avoid exercise.  I already took two weeks off and it still is here.  Enough is enough.  I'm not going to take 3 weeks off of swimming.  I actually scratched from the QUAC meet last Saturday, because of my cold.  I basically did take 2 weeks off the first twand my swimming suffered.  I definitely wasn't about to compete in this condition.

This morning I got up at 2:50am and met Chad in the water at 3:50am at 24 hr in Sugarhouse.  It was his turn to come up with the workout.  It was awesome:

600 warmup
5 x 200's free, 5 sec rest interval only!
50 breast
8 x 150's free/back/free by 50, 5 sec rest interval only!
50 breast
6 x 100's free on 1:30 (got 1:20-1:22)
50 breast
2 x 200 IMs moderate pace
5 x 200's pull descending paddle size (Trash can lids... PT paddles) on 3:00 ish
2 x 300's kick with fins
10 x 100's free fast (on 1:15) :30 rest (1:45 intervals)
2 x 200's descending
300 kick with fins easy

7,250 yards total in 2:15