
Friday, September 30, 2022

This short song explains exactly how I feel my life has gone in regards to swimming

 This summer I was out helping keep an eye on the swimmers at the Bear Lake Monster race.  I had a chance to talk with an old friend who asked about my swimming.  I explained that I have moved on to other things.  He had that familiar disappointed look on his face.  He said, something to the effect of, "But why!  I mean you've come so far and I tell friends about you.  The legend that swam the English Channel" blah blah blah.  Yeah, I've heard it before.  

In fact, when I quit coaching South Davis Masters a long time ago they made me a nice farewell gift and some of the comments I got were flippant and a little obnoxious.  It was like I was leaving the church or something.  Like I was turning my back on something sacred.  That I was committing some sort of unforgivable blasphemy.

You know what?  People change! People have passions that morph over time.  That's what happened to me, and will continue to happen to me.  One thing I know will never change, is that I will always change.  

I heard this song today and it put into words this same concept that I think people should embrace, rather than shun.  Give it a listen.  And think about it.

If you are still swimming, and having fun doing it, wonderful.  It's good to be persistent. But the last thing we should do is mindlessly and hypnotically say over in our minds like Dory from Nemo, "Just keep swimming".  That is unless you intentionally want to get into that trance-like state to serve a purpose.  But to do something that no longer has real meaning or value in your life is nonsensical. 

Some may say, "but our relationship is built upon this common interest".  True.  However, there are millions of other people out there that have other interests awaiting you to join them.  I've made friends from many different walks of life.  Had I not picked up those new interests those friendships would never have developed into fruit. 

To restrict oneself to a certain activity just to retain that circle of friends is short-sighted.  Are those friendships temporary?  Everything is temporary.  Enjoy the moment and life at the moment.  Don't resent change. New avenues open every day.  Embrace that.

You can certainly look back and cherish past moments, but it shouldn't be a letdown when you realize that those relationships have faded and blown away.  That shouldn't depreciate the experience you had at the time.

Keep doing what makes you happy and fulfills you.  

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