
Monday, October 31, 2011

Spooky good swim

Was asleep before 9pm last night which was awesome!
This morning I was up at 0345 and able to take a long shower at SDRC before the workout.  Today's prescribed workout was going to be long since I took last Saturday off, and spent the morning at Bountiful Lake picking up trash with Jonas and Isaac.

The lifeguard was kind enough to get in the chair 5 minutes early.  Started at 0455:

1500 free
1200 - 2 x 600 IM easy
100 kick
500 free
200 IM easy

Then joined masters:

500 free
100 - 2 x 50 free @ :45
200 - 2 x 100 free @ 1:30
300 - 2 x 150 free @ 2:15
600 - 3 x 200 free @ 3:00
300 - 2 x 150 free @ 2:15

200 - 2 x 100 free @ 1:30
100 - 2 x 50 free @ :45

300 backstroke (25 kick no board, 25 swim)
300 IM
300 Pull
200 free easy

Then moved over to the north end and did the above Masters workout all over again.  Then did:
1600 pull
400 kick with fins
100 IM easy

12,400 yards total in 3:30

Shoulder held out good.  Hoping to get to bed at a decent time tonight despite the trick or treating and all my kids running around late at night high on sugar.  Yeah right!

Friday, October 28, 2011

What is the UTAH club anyway?

Today's workout was better, but I cut it should because I couldn't get out of my mind the inefficiency in dealing with other people and organizations that just don't respond in a timely fashion to my needs to getting the volunteer page up and running.  Then I thought about why South Davis Masters isn't a full blown club with a website like QUAC.  That organization seems so organized and on top of things, yet that's the ONLY club in Utah that is it's own entity and run professionally.  It would be nice to have another club besides "UTAH" which isn't really a club, its a dumping pot to go to.  But the Utah club doesn't really exist.  You might as well be UNAT.

So today's workout was:

1000 free
400 - swim, kick, IM, swim
400 - 8 x 50's - 25 swim, 25 drill IM order twice
2000 - 5 x 400's free last three pull on 1:30, 1:30, 1:20, 1:15, 1:10
200 kick
550 easy

4550 yards total in 1:30

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Major Blah

Today was a major struggle mentally.  I got to be later than usual and didn't get in till 0520.  I was not feeling it today.

1600 - 1/2 of 3200 yards :)
1600 - 32 x 50's kick (1/2 with fins, 1/2 without) on 1:00
1600 - 1600 yards pull focus on relaxed full reaching stroke
1600 - 16 x 100's IM on 2:00 easy

6400 yards total in 1:50

Wanted much more, but I was just so bored!  Some days you feel awesome, some days well, not so awesome.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Short and easy mile

This morning got up early and was in the water promptly at 0501.

1500 - 3 x (400 free right into 100 back),

100 kick with fins

1600 yards total in :30

I cut today's work short because my shoulders (both of them) are stiff.  They're inflamed pretty good from the work I've been putting on them.  I've also been doing one hour of dryland work several times a week for the past two weeks.  So that's contributing to their stiffness.  However all significant pain is gone which is great.

Time to put ice on them and put in some decent work tomorrow.   Went to work really early to work on the SDRC Meet Volunteer online signup system.  Sent it in to the webmaster and hopefully he's OK with what I've done and just deploys it.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Five 21s

This morning the alarm was going off for 20 minutes before it woke me up.  But when I heard it, I got up.  I had to hustle a little this morning, but I was in the water at 0505 and did

10,500 - 5 x 2100 yards

2100 yards consisting of:

  • 600 Channel pace focus on long efficient strokes and bilateral breathing
  • 300 fast (Get each around 4:00)
  • 500 pull with ankle strap 
  • 200 strong (Get each around 2:30 - last one 2:25)
  • 400 (Odd sets IM easy, even sets kick with fins)
  • 100 sprint (Get all under 1:10) failed on a couple, but the three were under 1:10
10,500 yards total in 3:10

I got my contract from Paul Foreman, and apparently the cost for piloting will be about $4000.  

Monday, October 24, 2011

Nasty jellies in the pool

This morning I was in the water at 0500 sharp and did:

4000 - 4 x 1000's free on 14:45

Then swam with Masters.  I had a lane all to myself with Steve, and Scott in the lanes next to me.

300 - 100 swim, 100 kick, 100 Drill
300 - 3 x 75's swim/kick/drill by 25 @ 1:25, 3 x 25's build @ :30
800 - 4 x 200's odds 100 back/100 free, even: 100 breast/100 free on 3:00
1200 - 3 x {200 pull breathing every 3,5,3,5 by 50, 75 kick with fins, 125 - 25 kick/75 build/25 kick}
200 - 2 x 100's free fast (1:05, 1:03)
200 - 4 x 50's IM Order on 1:00 (fast!)
50 - 2 x 25's fist back easy, second free hard

2000 pull on 14:00
2000 free no equipment on 14:45
2000 pull strong

13,050 Yards in 3:40

I noticed several big globs of hair floating about halfway down to the bottom at the deep end.  Kind of eerie.  I've never seen jellyfish in person, but it made me think of how it might be to swim with jellyfish in the ocean.  I actually got attacked once by a medium sized glob and dumped it off on the side of the deck.  There were still a good number of them out there waiting for some unsuspecting swimmer.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Getting shown up by 3rd graders

I was at the cabin and decided to try swimming in the Logan River upstream.  I measured the temp first.  Oh my that was a mistake.  It came up at 44°  I've never swam in water that cold.  I decided to not even get in cause that was too big of a jump.  I told Cathi and our other guests at the cabin and their 9 year old kid said, "I'd like to get in!"  I was like, "I'd like to see this!"  So I bet the kid a dollar he couldn't dunk his whole body underwater.

So we went across the bridge to the other side stream the empties into the Logan River where a very shallow pool is formed.  Not only did he get in a go all the way under, but so did Isaac, Lucy, Jonas and Lucy's friend Bricklie.  I was out 6 bucks and feeling like a total wuss.  Those kids all got in 44°F water!  Not all at once mind you.  It's shallow and they struggled once they got their legs in to commit to going all the way under laying down on their backs.  But they all did it.  

Humbled and inspired.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Week 2 of WFPBC

This week we met at Bountiful Lake.  The water temp showed 61.7°F.  Was hoping under 60 but I'll take it.  It felt great getting in.  Dove off the east fishing dock and swam around the east island with Josh and Jake.

The water felt great and my shoulder didn't hurt at all.  That's the great thing about cold water is all aches and pains are gone.

When I got in my car I saw Pete Wetterhall in another car in the parking lot.  Not sure if he's on FB or not, but I'll have to make sure he gets some details about our next dip out at GSL next Thursday evening.  Hopefully the water will be close to 60 or under by then.

Feels great!

0.43 miles in less than 15 minutes.


This morning I was in the water at 0504 and did:

1400 - 2 x (600 free, 100 free) second set pull
1400 - 2 x (500 free, 200 IM) second set pull
1400 - 2 x (400 kick, 300 free) second set of kicking w/fins, second set of free pull
1400 - 2 x (300 free, 400 kick) second set of kicking w/fins, second set of free pull
1400 - 2 x (200 IM, 500 free) second set pull
1400 - 2 x (100 IM, 600 free) second set pull
1400 - 2 x 700's free second set pull
700 - 7 x 100's odd free, even IM

10,500 yards total in 3:16

Felt strong all morning.  Craig Barnes came over and mentioned that he just discovered the "throw down" - Josh Green Virtual Open Water Race.  He said if he can handle the gag reflex, he may just go for it.   I was about to egg him on ("No flip turns Craig") just to ensure he actually follows through in the spring.  I'd love for him to go for it and break the record.

Tonight.... "polar bear" swim at Bountiful Lake.  Hopefully the water is colder than 60, but probably won't be.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Almost bagged it

This morning I got up and my shoulder was giving me crap so I went back to bed.  However I couldn't sleep.  I was feeling guilty for being a slacker.  So after about 15 minutes of trying to sleep, I just got my lazy butt out of bed and went to the pool.  Was in the water at 0545 and did:

800 free
followed by Masters workout:
400 - swim, kick, IM, swim
600 - 8 x 75's free - drill, swim, drill on 1:15
1000 - 10 x 100's free on 1:45 (get all on 1:14 or faster)
200 kick
500 - 10 x 50's free on :40 (25 bilateral and strong, 25 fast increased stroke rate)
200 kick
300 - 12 x 25's free fast on :30
200 kick
100 swim
The moved to the north end and did:

2000 pull on 30:00
800 free

I was planning on doing 2000 free last, but 800 into it after a flip turn I noticed a sharp pain in my shoulder.  That little hand movement at the end of a flip turn was a very small movement but was causing trouble.  I've been a real slacker on my dryland training.  I mean to do it at lunch, but am so involved with my work, that I often just work through my lunch break and don't do it.  SLACKER!  Work can wait, gotta take care of the shoulder!

7100 yards total in 2:15
Glad I got out of bed afterall.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Take it easy bro!

Last Saturday I took the scouts on a long hike (15 miles) up to Ben Lomond Peak.  I've been told that's the 5th highest peak in Utah.  It was a little brutal.  But the biggest issue was on Saturday morning as we were tearing down camp and putting gear back in the trailer, I was lifting a heavy camp stove into the corner of the trailer and the lateral movement of that weight caused a searing pain in my left shoulder.  Ouch!  Despite icing it all Saturday and Sunday, it was only at about 30% on Monday so I skipped yesterdays workout.  Which was good because it improved and this morning was around 60%

This morning's workout was pretty good.  I was planning on double this, but thought I really shouldn't push it and leave the workout feeling strong, and also give the shoulder a break.  I'm going to make sure to hit some dry land exercises and work on that lateral movement which at the moment is the painful movement with my shoulder.

6200 - 4 sets of {500 free, 400 pull, 300 free, 200 IM, 100 fast (all under 1:15), 50 kick}

6200 yards total in 1:30

Hoping to build up the yardage this week instead of front loading and making the shoulder get more tender each day.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Meeting Pete Wetterhall

This morning I was up at 0350 and was in the water exactly at 0500.  I did:

2000 free in under 14 minutes (Felt great!)
1950 Free again ( I was supposed to do 2000, but.....)

About 500 yards into some guy got in the next lane over and he was quick.  In fact he was gaining on me.  My goal was that once he caught up to me fully, I would just stay with him.  Which I did, but I had to push it.  Long strong pulls and breathing on the right side.  Bilateral is great for a channel pace, but I just can't go strong and breathe bilaterally, I need more air.  After staying with him for about 300 yards or so, he was done and I did a few more laps.  I stopped to talk to him.  His name is Pete Wetterhall and he said he did the Slam the Dam 8K in 2:19.  What!?  How is it that some guy that I've never seen before is a Davis county local and is as quick as he is?  
Apparently he swam in Bountiful Lake several times this summer as well as pineview.  I'd love to get with this guy.  He's about 5-10% faster than me and I really have to go just to stay with him.  I told him about the GSL race in June and the Polar Bear Club we're starting.  He appeared interested.  
 Masters workout:
400 free easy
400 - 8 x 50's kick no rest
800 - 4 x 200's free on 2:50
2000 - 10 x (100 free strong on 1:30-1:40, 75 stronger on 1:15, 25 sprint on :45)
50 easy

7,650 yards total

Today at noon I listened to a Webinar where Mike Lewis interviewed Jamie Patrick.  The coolest thing I heard was the mental exercise he goes through during super long swims.

He starts at the letter A and picks three people that he knows with their first name starting with A.  Then he names three characteristics about that person, how they met, and the last time he saw them.  Then go on to the next two people, then moves on to B.  That is something I definitely want to keep in mind cause that could be something that would seem to work so well when your mind starts to break down and you need to refocus on something other than how bad you hurt.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

First week of Polar Bear swim - 63.5° in GSL

I started a group in Facebook - Wasatch Front Polar Bear Club and our first dip was this evening.  I heard reports that GSL is 60 degrees.  I drove out to Saltair and met up with Jake and Josh Green.  Then we carpooled out to Blackrock.  The gates are closed after 5pm, but we got permission from Dave to use the code to get in and drive out to BR.  When we got in my digital them read 63.6° F!  That's barely cold!  I was a little annoyed that it wasn't below 60.  I didn't put on any lube or I would have swam out to the buoys at the marina opening and back.  I somehow scratched the inside of my arm earlier this week and the salt water was really stinging it.

Anyhow the water felt great and when I got out I wasn't even cold.  I bought a hot chocolate on the way there and so I drank it not to waste it.  But it wasn't needed.  No shivering at all.  Can't wait for the temps to drop and it can really count as a polar bear swim!

Total Distance: @ 1/3 mile
Time Spent: 15 minutes
Lots of chatting with Josh and Jake.

When I got home, the sweatshirts that I ordered for the 5 original club member (Josh, Jake, Myself, Goody and Heidi) were home.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Half Fast swim

Say "Half Fast swim" fast, and that about sums up today's workout.
Got up at 0420 and was in the water at 0543:

1000 free easy
Masters workout:
300 swim, drill, kick
500 - 500 free @ 80%, long efficient strokes
500 - 5 x 100's free fast (90%) on 1:45 (held 1:10)
500 pull @ 85%
500 - 10 x 50's free fast (95%) on 1:00 (held :32)
500 - 5 x 100's free descend 1-5 on 1:40, 1:35, 1:30, 1:25, 1:20, 1:15
200 easy 
This workout came from Andrew and I loved it.  I was feeling like a putz when I got in and did the 1000. It was slow and I felt like an old fart.  But then the 500 sets really got me going and I was put into first position in my lane with Kris and Scott.  Had to step up.  
 Then stayed after and did:
1000 pull
1000 kick with fins

6000 yards total in 1:58
Feeling very sluggish!  Getting up at 0400 is starting to wear on me.  Tomorrow evening is the cold water swim.  Looking forward to it.  This weekend I'm doing a 20 mile hike with the scouts so I'll probably not do a swim this Saturday since I'll be wasted from that hike!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

2500 miles

This morning's workout was let's just say, lethargic.  I wasn't completely dead tired, but just didn't have it in me to hold a fast pace.  Took it easy today.  Also today I hit 2500 miles logged since the beginning of the blog.

On the first four of the following, take an extra minute break midway between each major set.
4000 - 8 x 500's free (On 7:15 first four, 8 minutes second four)
3200 - 8 x 400's free (On 6:00 first four, 6:30 second four)
1600 - 8 x 200's free (On 3:00 on all)
800 - 8 x 100's free (On 1:30 all)
600 - 8 x 75's easy IM progression (on 1:30 all)
400 - 8 x 50's (Over unders on 1:15)

10,600 yards total in 2:58

Monday, October 10, 2011

1000th post

Today is a major milestone, this is my 1000th post on the blog!

This morning the alarm was going, but my brain wasn't registering the sound and Cathi woke me up.  Sorry Cath!

I was in the water at 0515 and did:

3000 - 3 x 1000's free on 15:00
100 easy
then joined masters:
400 Drills (1 arm fly, touch and pull)
I was in a lane with Josh and Tim.  
400 Freestyle
400 - 4 x 100's favorite stroke(free) on 1:20
300 kick with fins
300 - 6 x 75's  second favorite stroke (one arm fly on first and last 25 and full fly on middle 25) on 1:15
200 pull
400 - 8 x 50's 3rd favorite (back) on :45
100 free
250 - 10 x 25's least liked stroke (breast) on :25

200 IM all out!
I've never timed my 200 IM.  I was thinking getting under 3:00 was reasonable and was my goal.  I ended up going 2:42.  Felt really good about that.  
200 cooldown

Masters work done and followed up on my own with:

2000 pull easy
4000 - 4 x 1000's free on 15:00

Total: 12,250 yards in 3:30

Today's workout was fantastic!  Felt good the whole time.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Intrasquad Meet

This morning was a very small internal meet with South Davis Masters.  Got there and warmed up:

400 - 100 free, kick, stroke, drill
400 - 8 x 50's free build 1-4
200 easy
Then the meet started I did:
50 Fly: 28.95
200 Free: 2:19.39
I was beat from the 50 and intentionally did not push this one very hard.  I had a 500 coming up and wanted to do fairly well on that one.
100 Free: 58.6
500 Free: 6:00.4
I was surprised I got that time.  I was aiming for a 6:15, but felt like I was probably going to get a 6:30.  I just took strong long strokes but didn't kick hardly at all.  
50 free: 27.87

Then I participated in two relays.  Two five member teams doing 50 yards each.  I was the freestyle leg in the medley, and again in the 250 free relay.  Our team won both events.  I told Kris that I felt dead after the first two events, more so than if I did a 10K straight.
(100 free for relay portion)

Did 100 cooldown and after talking with several people, moved to the north end (Since VHS moved in the south end for a swim meet), and did:
1000 free pull
1000 kick with fins
2000 pull on 30:00
2000 free
300 - 100 IM, 100 free, 100 back

8400 yards total

Shoulder is still feeling awesome!  I'm stoked that I'm already doing this much hard work with it, and it's not giving me troubles.  I feel like a new man!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Planning out 2012

Today I read about a new record that was set.  John Kelly and Tom Brown are swimmers in Wyoming.  They worked together to accomplish swimming the length of a 9 mile lake in their area called Fremont Lake.  They both have been dreamed of crossing it and were able to do it last week.  Awesome!  Here's their story.

I was surprised to find that this isn't unreasonably far for me to travel to and try to beat.  It's super high elevation (Around 7430) so it's pretty cold.  I'm thinking about doing a double crossing of this lake and at the same time see if I can break the single crossing record.

Next year I plan to make trips to Bear Lake several times a month during the summer where the water is cold compared to other lakes in the Wasatch Front.  Once I get sufficiently cold water conditioned with the Bear Lake swims, I'd like to extend my next northerly visit and go all the way up to Fremont Lake and go for a double.  I'd like to do this in on July 15th, 2012.  Any later and it's too close to my EC crossing.  Any earlier, and I risk it being too cold.   Based on this article,  Fremont lake is considered a glacial lake.  It's also 1500 feet higher than Bear Lake.

It's very deep, and has a low content of diluted minerals.  I guess that makes it quite unique from other lakes.  Average ice breakup is in mid May.  And the temp in mid June is in the range of 50 degrees. Temp in mid July is high 50s.  So I'm thinking if I really trained well in cold water a July 15th swim should be good.  My EC trip would be a little more than three weeks later.  

I wish this lake were closer!  It sounds like a good place to train for cold water conditioning throughout the summer months!

High School Swimming Officials class

2000 - 2000 free no equipment.  This went by so fast!  Got this in under 27 minutes.
Masters workout begins:
300 free
300 - 6 x 75's (25 kick, stroke, drill)
200 - 2 x 100's build
600 - 4 x 150's @ 75% on 2:05
50 back easy
450 - 3 x 150's pull @ 80% on 2:00
50 back easy
300 - 2 x 150's free @ 90% on 1:50
50 back easy
150 strong set goal (1:45) - got 1:38!  Nice!
100 easy
300 - 6 x 50's kick descend 1-3 (first two dolphin, third flutter...repeat) on 1:00

Moved to the North end and did:
300 easy (100 free, 200 back)
1200 pull

6350 yards total in 2:00

Last night I attended a High School Swimming Official class and I'm now certified to officiate as a stroke and turn judge.  Kind of worried that there was no test, just instruction that was 150 minutes.  As an official I enforce the rules, regardless of whether I agree with them or not and nearly all of them I do... except for two small rules where the discussion seemed to take up a good chunk of the class:

1) No jewelry rule.  I recognize that big dangly loop earings, or a loose fitting necklace probably isn't the safest thing.  But a ring?  Or a watch?  I've worn both to meets and in workouts and they've never posed a safety problem.  Why ban jewelry all together?  Seems extreme.  Then some doofus brought up, "What about tongue rings or tongue studs?"  Oh my gosh.  I just don't get the anality of it all.

2) Logos on caps and suits.  Non water permeable logos cannot take up more than 9 inches and must only be contained in one logo, not two.  The size of the logos on the caps can't be greater than a certain size.  And the names on caps must be a form of the person's actual name.  No nicknames (unless its a form of the person's first name)  Wow!  Seems ridiculous. Sure you don't want profanity on a cap, but if a guy's nickname is "Doofus" why not let him have it on the cap?  I just don't get it.

One thing that was not discussed and I was hoping wasn't a rule...  Do you notice that a good majority of swimming officials who watch turns hold their hands behind their back?  Why?  I don't see people holding their hands like that when they standing and watching their kids play soccer, or standing at line at the movies.  It looks really dumb.  I almost piped up.  "Do I have to hold my hands behind my back when I'm watching turns at the end of the pool watching as an official.  You know the typical "I'm important, notice me" stance?  I didn't see anything in the rulebook that said I have to stand like that."  But I didn't think that would fly very well with the group.

Glad I went though.  I got a rulebook that I'm going to have to read in detail and highlight.  It shed light on a few things that I simply didn't know, or weren't enforced rules when I was a kid.  I remember being DQ'd my senior year at state in the 500.  That is probably one of the saddest moments of my life.

Attending a class like that made me SO GLAD I didn't pursue my career path of law enforcement.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

The power of pacing

This morning I slept in a little to make up for yesterdays early morning.  I was in the water at 0658 and swam the following:

6000 - 6 x 1000 free no equipment on 15:00.
Was holding between 14:11 and 14:30 on all these.  Halfway into the second set (@1500 yards), I felt low in energy.  I didn't eat a very good dinner last night and I was low in fuel.  But then some guy got in the next lane over and started swimming 50's on :45.  That got my mind off the negative energy and focused on staying ahead of his pace.  He got out only after doing about 15 sets of 50, but by that time, I was in a rhythm and felt strong.  I was thinking during my swim why pacers are allowed in an EC crossing.  I mean the standards are there to maintain as similar standards as what he did.  He didn't have a pacer.  Not that I'm complaining.  I'm glad to have Josh give me a boost, but I'm just curious why they allow that, but not like MP3 players.  Not that I have ever used, or plan to use an MP3 player while swimming.  Just curious as to the reasoning behind allowing pacing.  
My 500 splits were even and I was holding a constant and even pace of low 7 minute 500's.  
Distance: 6000 yards
Time: 1:29

The water was noticably warmer today.  I measured it on the way out with my digital therm and it read 84.7  Usually its 81 or colder.  I left a note in the comment box today asking for it be kept around 80 or lower.  (I'll be happy if its 81)

Yesterday afternoon I went to a meeting at the Rose Park Library where 20 people gathered to discuss a couple of issues concerning the lake:

  • Phragmities - this noxious weed is spreading like wildfire and it threatens the wetlands and nesting areas of birds.  Alot of money and effort is going into analyzing the plants spread, and methods in fighting its spread.
  • The new 180 foot bridge that is potentially going up to replace the cracked culverts that go across the causeway.  This is intended to even the flow of saline water between the north and south ends of the lake.  
When the meeting started they had everyone go around the room and introduce themselves and give their title, such as "My name is Kathleen Anderson, from the US Army Corps of Engineers", or "My name is Lacenda Downs, Davis County Commissioner".  Crap! Nobody was like "My name is John Williams, I'm just a lake lover."  So I had to come up with something so I didn't sound like I wasn't just some doofus who walked in off the street, so I said, "My name is Gordon Gridley, from Great Salt Lake Open Water".  I saw some people nod their heads like they knew what the heck that was.  Ha ha.

The info of phragmities was interesting.  I'm amazed at how much money is going into fighting this thing (over a million dollars collectively)

Also the presentation by the US Army Corps of Engineers on the new bridge proposal was very interesting and presented in layman terms so I was able to follow along.  Very cool stuff.  It looks like everyone in the room is in agreement that the desired state is to bring the north and south ends of the lake into a more equal level of salinity.  This would mean that the south end would get even saltier!  But I'd be surprised if it would really be noticeable in my lifetime.  Especially down at the very south end by the marina where there are a couple of inlets of freshwater.  

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Yesterday I was planning to do an OW swim @ GSL marina in the afternoon, but as I was heading there from work realized I left my USP pass in my other car.  So I thought I'd go home and get it and then swim @ Antelope Marina.  But when I got home I was dying of hunger and ate something, and then I got caught up helping kids with various things and also realized that I've been wanted to put a picture together for the Wasatch Front Polar Bear Club I'm trying to organize.  So I took the time to put together a cartoon that will go on the hoodies that members of the club can purchase.
Here's the pic.
Do you have what it takes!
So since I flaked on my swim yesterday, I went to bed early so that I could get up early for a longer swim today, and punish myself with a 12K swim.  Although punishment really has a negative tone to it.  I would just say "make up" or something.  Today's workout was far from punishment.  It was actually quite fun!

Got up at 0350 and was in the water at 0501.  Here's what I did:

4000 - 2 x 2000 < :30 ri
Right into Masters workout at 7am:
300 warmup
400 - 8 x 50's touch and pull drill on :45
300 - 6 x 50's kick on 1:00
Main Set:
2500 - 5 x 5 x 100's free (first 2 sets of 5 on 1:30, 3rd set 1:25, 4th - 1:20, 5th - 1:15 pull.  2 min rest between sets of 5)

The guy who I swam with today and yesterday, his name is Chad.  Kind of a bigger dude.  Doesn't look like an athlete (alot like me!) But he's pretty quick.
After the main set, I moved over to the north end of the pool because the HS kids were kicking us out.  I continued with:

700 easy
4000 - 1000 pull, 1000 free no equip, 1000 pull, 1000 kick with fins  < :60 between sets

Total Distance: 12,000 yards
Time: 3.5 hours

More info on WFPBC coming soon....

Monday, October 3, 2011


I'm extremely happy with how my shoulder is doing.   Last Saturday's swim was fantastic!  I was looking forward to this morning all weekend.  My first workout with Masters for the winter.  This morning I got up at 0415 and was in the water at 0525 and did:

2000 yards easy
Then joined masters on their workout. Swam with Kris, Jill and one other guy which I didn't get his name.

400 choice warmup

200 - 4 x 50's on :60
200 - 4 x 50's on :50
200 - 4 x 50's on :40

200 kick no board (alternate free and dolphin per 50)
200 - 8 x 25's kick on :45

200 - 50 one arm fly, 150 back
200 - 50 one arm fly, 150 breast
200 - 50 one arm fly, 150 free
200 IM

400 - 4 x 100's pull free on 1:30
200 - 2 x 100's all out (I wanted under 1:10 on the first one and got 1:06.  Wanted under 1:05 on the second and got 1:03) Very Happy!  Not bad for pushing off the wall and having a recovering shoulder!
100 easy
200 - 100 back, 100 breast cool down

5,100 yards total

I would have gone on, but I figured I better not press my luck.  I'm still supposed to take the rest of this week off.  Will do some medicine ball work today.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Disobeying Doctors orders....first swim post surgery (2 weeks early)

If the doctor only knew how great my shoulder feels he'd probably be OK with it.   Three days after my surgery, all pain in my shoulder was gone no matter what movements I made.   The Dr. said I could get back in and do some light swimming the third week after my surgery.   I spent the last three days watching young kids at the SDRC swim meet swim, and I was getting really antsy!  Plus today is the first day of the six month virtual open water race.

I'm doing the 250 mile event around Long Island.  Today I took Lucy out to GSL Antelope Island Marina and swam out to egg island and back.  I took long and easy strokes and my shoulder felt like a million bucks!  I didn't have any pain at all.  I'm wishing I was down at Slam the Dam today, but it was good to see the kids perform in their first swim meet.   Lucy did very good today keeping up and staying close in the kayak.  She had the GPS and when we got out it read:

Total Distance: 2.15 miles
Time: 1:04

Not bad at all.

As for the kids events, here's what they did this weekend:

1650 free - 31:54:46
500 free - 8:53.89
200 free - 3:11.51

500 free - 13:32
50 back - 51.75
50 free - (I thought I captured this on film, but didn't end up getting it)
50 breast - 1:05.40

50 free - 1:16.41

These are all PRs!  These kids all started with the swim team 4 weeks ago.  You should have seen how much they have improved in that time!  I think the biggest two things for them to work on now are: 1) Long, reaching arms.  They've definitely got the bent elbows down.  Too much.  They need to focus on slowing their stroke rate down and getting long full strokes.  2) Jumping off the block.  Jonas never practiced jumping off the block before this meet and he did it in the meet.  Here's a little video of his 50 free:

I love his energy!  He puts a smile on my face!