
Thursday, October 30, 2008


Today I wasn't feeling like swimming distance. My legs are really fatigued and sore because of the past few days riding in to work, so I still made it to the pool, but with much less intensity:

200 IM Warmup
800 - 8 x 100's free EZ
1000 - 4 x 250's free Pull(alt between touch and pull and regular pull)
500 - 100 Kick, 4 x 100's Drill (fist, touch and pull, slap, fingertip drag)
500 - 100 kick, 2 x 100's IM, 100 Sprint (1:04), 100 Grandpa swimming

3000 Yards total

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Time trial for 1650 yard freestyle - 22:09

In the November SDRC meet, I'll be swimming the 1650 Free. So today I wanted to just see how I would do if it were today:

1650 Free - 22:09. When I did it last summer (but as 1500 Meters (long course)), I did it in 23:29, so this is a much better time. I'm hoping to do this better than 21:45 next month at the meet.

150 Breast EZ
400 - 400 Free on 6:06(long strokes)
600 - 6 x 100's alt Free/Breast on 2:00 (free fast - 1:10)
200 - 100 Breast, 100 Free slow
200 - 2 x 100 IM's

3200 Yards total

Cathi stayed home today to watch Biggest Loser again.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Good long swim

4000 - 4 x 1000's on 15:00
100 EZ

4100 Yards total

Not bad. Cathi swam 3100 yards too. Her backstroke is fast!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Goofing off

If it weren't for Cathi I wouldn't have gone swimming. After my warmup I starting doing some Grandpa swimming with Cathi and then the workout turned into a "flirt with Cathi" day.

1000 - 1000 free warmup (14:25)
200 - 200 Grandpa breaststroke
400 - 400 Tandem swimming with Cathi (she holds my ankles and kicks while I swim upper)
250 - 250 Kicking
200 - 4 x 50's sprint on 1:00
200 - Grandpa swimming
100 - 100 IM

2350 Yards total

Not much of a workout, but fun to mix things up.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Early swim

Last night Austin, Jacob and I went to the club and got home late. We stopped at Walmart in Layton to get a redbox (Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix which sucked by the way). So we didn't get to bed till like 2am. I woke up at 6:30 and went swimming. I was amazed I wasn't tired.

1800 - 1800 free (24:34)
200 - EZ
1000 - 2 x (5 x 100's free descending) on 2:00 (1:30, 1:20, 1:15, 1:08, 1:04)
200 - 100 Breast, 100 Free

3200 Yards total

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Starting to look like I did when I was 15

I remember noticing the veins in my arms when I was 15 during my first year on the swim team. Well the lean look has reappeared. Just a side affect of losing excess body fat. Still looking for about 12 more pounds to come off which is happening extremely slow.

Here is this morning's workout:

1000 - 1000 fast (13:20 - Held 1:20 on 100 splits every 100)
1000 - 400 IM Kick, 200 Free EZ, 400 IM Kick
1000 - 1000 free (14:00 - Not as good as the first set, tuckered out at 400 and went from 1:20 splits down to 1:27)
500 - 5 x 100's free fast on 2:00 (1:12, 1:12, 1:13, 1:11:, 1:08)
100 Grandpa swimming

3600 Yards total

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Help Austin with his Swimming MB day

Today I started doing my warm up when I saw Austin attempt to do some sidestroke which I couldn't bear watching. I stopped and helped him with his technique for a bit, but he wasn't getting it. So I ended up helping him for a half hour with it as well as the other strokes. All of his strokes are definitely passable except for sidestroke. That one will need some practice.

At 9:30 I told him to keep practicing and then I finished my workout:

500 - 500 Warmup
2000 - 2 x 1000's free fast

2500 Yards total

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Laughing Underwater

Today I convinced Cathi to swim with me. I'm starting to feel a little burned out. Today when I started my warmup I noticed a guy who was swimming a couple lanes over who had a lower back tattoo. I didn't get a good look at it, but it was swirly like this and was just above his bum, like what Steve would call a "tramp stamp".

I couldn't help laughing underwater. I've never seen a guy with a tattoo like this. It was just so gay. Tattooing your body is dumb enough, but to do a girly one?

Here's the content of my workout:

2000 - 2 x 1000's free
1000 - 10 x 100's free on 2:00 (0et all under 1:15. Last one was 1:06)
500 - 500 Free EZ
100 - 100 Breast

3600 Yards total

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Meeting Jim and getting new mile PR (22:33)

Today's workout was pretty routine:

2000 - 2000 Yards free. Time the first 1800 (22:33). I'm sure I had the yardage right. I was just going strong the whole time. There was a guy next to me who was doing breaststroke and it seemed to be a little faster than 1/2 my base speed. So my goal was to match his 50's with 100 of my own. Did that for a long time which brought up my speed. It also made counting the laps much easier focusing on getting my 100's on his 50.

2000 - 4 x 500's (alternate between 500 pull and 500 EZ)

4000 yards total

The big guy who has been here several times the past few weeks was there again. After the pool closed I talked to him for a while. His name is Jim. He swam for a military academy in New York. He swam 1500 M in college. No wonder he's fast. His technique is good. He damaged his shoulders so he said he's now in it for fitness rather than competition. Would be nice to get some technique critiques from him and learn a few things to improve my speed. My endurance seems fine. I just need to pick it up and push it more so my swimming is more aerobic. And I'm sure there are some bad habits I've picked up that I should kick too.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Speed work

500 Free EZ
500 - 5 x 100's fast on 1:45. Get all < 1:16
500 Free EZ
1000 - 5 x 200's fast on 3:00. Get all under 2:40
500 - 5 x 50's Fly/Free, 5 x 50's Breast/Back on 1:00
100 Grandpa swimming
100 Free Sprint (1:03)

3200 Yards total
